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Holistic Skin Biology 101

There are 11 systems of the body and I'd like to break down how each system relates to the skin. This is good to know on many levels, but one being its not just skincare that helps you glow. Okay here we go! Disclaimer if you have any illnesses or injuries take any advice I say with a grain of salt. Use critical thinking or email me if you have any questions about anything. These are potent applications.

Skeletal System: Bones are made of Phosphorus and Calcium. The Sun and vitamin D stimulate bone health. Bones make Blood + blood feeds your cells. Inside bones is whereto will find red and white blood cells are made otherwise known as bone marrow. ( Immune cells are white cells) Blood and Immune will come later but now you know where they originate and possibly a link to your skin and how the sun can help. I love the Sun and go in it without sunscreen often. I make sure not to burn and use a lot of anti- oxidants on my skin like vitamin C and aloe + oils for protection and just stay as healthy as I can. I also increase my adaptogens as they play huge part in keeping my stress in check so I don’t get overly inflamed from the high cortisol from stress which can dehydrate and cause problems. Its all linked when speaking on a cellular level of the body.

Muscular System: Muscles contract, expand and stretch. They surround bones, they move bones. On the face they can lose elasticity. Facial massage can stimulate fibroblasst that stimulate collagen. They need healthy chemical reactions to have healthy nerve communication. IONS otherwise known as electrically charged particles that help the chemical reactions move cellular activity. I love my magnesium ion drink and how it supports the ions needed for better muscle communication. I also go on a binge where I drink Pink Himalayan salt water in the am. It helps maintain fluid balance. NOT for someone who has mineral or vitamin imbalance or anyone who is hypersensitive …..Flow=Glow but I love this.

Cardiovascualr System: The heart pumps blood to all tissues and systems in the body. Blood is full of nutrients and oxygen… yum yum for cells. Movement = heart pumping = lungs/oxygen moving = Immune system pumping. Exercise is very important in moving toxins.

Skin+ Body Tips- Eat well so the nutrients feeding your skin in the capillaries is useful, exercise, have sexy time, be merry…. on a subtle energy level I listen to 528 Hz crystal bowls for heart tuning energy… If your heart is broken use rose quartz, I like to put rose quartz in my bra when I really need some extra self love. This is a stone I use in every treatment. The heart and heart energy is such a healing place and well worth giving attention to.

Lymphatic System: This is the immune ( protection) and waste transport system. Too much waste = no room for the good stuff. It does not have a pump so massage, exercise and breath work move it! The efficient removal of waste out of the body is very important in healthy skinned aging. We have a whole network of lymph capillaries for waste that runs parallel to our blood vessels. We have lymph nodes all over as well to break down these bigger molecules of waste. Generally they are located at a joints in the body but also in the stomach. There are two main ducts these flow into. The Lymphatic Duct near your left clavicle and your right lymphatic duct near your right clavicle.

Skin + Body Tips- High touch facials get this flowing. Dry skin brushing ( always towards the heart) helps because it exfoliates moving the cellular renewal process along and also subtly moving lymph. Tapping your chest also stimulate the immune system, try it its awesome. Sauna and cold plunge/showers also boost the immune system. Vasodilation and vasoconstriction of the capillaries creates a slight vacuum affect moving tissue between intracellular walls . Blood vessels have a muscle that allows them to expand and contract. I put a jade roller in the fridge and use it over a serum or oil on a cleansed face anytime. I do this all the time on myself. Holy healing. Athletes use cryotherapy for their muscles, I use cold on red inflamed acne as well, it sends T cells to the site to stimulate the immune system. Inversions are another little way to move lymph. I like to do legs up the wall and put an eye mask on and chill to some music and just breathe.

Respiratory System: Oxygen is energy and all cells need it to function. It is part of metabolizing+ moving energy + waste inane out of each cell. This is very important. Dirty air/smoke etc can inhibit the flow of oxygen which inhibit it getting to your cells. The heart gets oxygen from the lungs. Breath has a direct impact on stimulating your parasympathetic nervous systems well. It can CALM you. You can consciously control your breath to slow it down. This is why tuning into your breath is free and easy.

Skin +Body Tip- Heart pumping, fresh clean air + movement + breath work allow the heart to pick up oxygen and move it to organs. Meditation is direct access to glowy skin and a calm mind. Anger/Stress use up a lot of energy which personally I don’t want to use unless I have to. The mouth and nose are meant to warm and filter air that goes into your body. We have lymph nodes along the jaw and ears and face because this is such a dynamic area of our body.

Urinary System: Kidneys filter blood and regulate blood pressure. With other excretory systems such as digestive + skin the kidneys get rid of waste. In order to rid toxins you need water. I think like 90% of urine is water. Kidneys regulate mineral balance in the body. Kidneys also stimulate bone marrow production. Staying hydrated is they key to this one and lowering stress. The kidneys are in direct relation to the HPA axis which I will talk about in the Endocrine System ( hormones). Chronic stress does no good for the kidneys.

Nervous System: This is the spine and brain! It controls all activities of the body. It receives and sends information to our body via nerve impulse cells called Neurons. It is interlinked via blood with the Endocrine System ( hormones + HPA axis) All of our senses are a part of this system. This is why touch +smell + sound are so important in relaxing your parasympathetic nervous system . They send the good vibes. In ancient times it is said afflictions of the mind were healed with addition of aroma because, the impact of smell is so powerful on your nervous system. Aroma as medicine. I use many layers of aroma in my healing ceremonial treatments.

Skin + Body Tips- A bath with honey, milk and rose oil, a beautiful tea , a walk in nature listening to the sounds. I often warm up some sunflower oil mixed with whatever essential oil I have on hand and massaged into the skin all over. This is beyond amazing and if you can take your time to enjoy it, it can calm you for days. Essential oils used properly can have positive benefits. Direct application of essential oil not in a carrier oil can burn our skin so be careful. When you come in for a facial or massage we can do an aroma sensory journey to see what you like.

Endocrine System: The Pituitary Gland the Master Gland sits in the brain next to the Hypothalamus and it controls your hormones !! Your Nervous system is directly linked to the endocrine system. Chemical reactions travel through the blood like lightening via chemical transport. This master gland is controlled by the Hypothalamus ( Nervous System) + controls ALL endocrine glands. This is HUGE. The list below is controlled by your Pituitary gland via the Nervous System. This is why I do what I do.

THYROID - metabolism

KIDNEYS- mineral balance, excretion, hormone balance.

THYMUS- immune System ( located in chest between boobs) tapping is great for health here!

REPRODUCTION ORGANS- hormones hormones hormones

PANCREAS food absorption via digestive system and glucagon/insulin interaction.

ADRENALS - Control inflammation via stress hormones. regulates metabolism, immune system, blood pressure via kidneys, controls bodies use of fats, proteins and carbs. They also have an affect on estrogen and androgen . This particular gland is worth studying. The HPA axis is the effect of stress on the body and how it stimulates the Hypothalamus, which communicates to the Pituitary gland then sends SOS to the ADRENALS (HPA) It retains salt for fast ion communication so it can cause retention of water aka puffiness. I always say stress causes many problems because it affects many glands. Stress is good in many situations just not prolonged miserable stress. This is where self care can come in.

Skin + Body Tips- Calm and slow breathing directly impacts the Nervous System. Adaptogen tinctures and teas help stress adapt into your body, aroma can help calm the body…. a walk in nature, soft healing music, meditation, facials and massage which slow breathing, and provide the many benefits of healing on the nervous system .

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: This system breaks down food so it is absorbable. into the bloodstream and feed nutrients to all cells. This system runs from your mouth to you know where. A healthy moving digestive system = efficient movement and a hydrated bowel. You can check out face mapping with the organs to see where these systems unfold. The cheeks are Digestion. If you are having a hard time digesting something it will show up there.

Skin + Body Tips- Warm water is good to drink, stomach massage clockwise( up the right across stomach and down left side), breath work, long deep breathing…. if you are constipated this is a sign your digestion is off. Clean eating, and food combining is another plus. Twists are also good, and standing up and doing “windmills” inhaling UP and exhaling DOWN.

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM: Skin functions include protect barrier from microorganisms, waterproof, absorption, and temperature regulation, it is also sensory organ via nerve tissue in the dermal layer. . It also makes Vitamin D via the sun, pheromones , interfaces with nervous system, circulatory system, lymphatic system, muscular system… There are so many things I can say to help with skin but I’ll give you the basics.

HERE is how you layer your product. CLEANSE ( really massage your face ) also after you wash with warm water splash with cold water TONER ( this balances PH) this is huge. A balanced PH allows your skins barrier to be balanced. SERUM ( these are targeted ingredients that have smaller molecules that penetrate deeper into your skin) You can use 1-3 drops of these.,,,These are where you want to spend your money because good ones need to have revolutionary formulations.

TIP : Use serum product you want the most active ingredient to work the hardest… ex: a.m. Marie Veronique vitamin C serum for environmental protection AND In the PM use Marie Veronique retinol treatment as your serum. These are the basics… you can go down the rabbit hole but these are the basics. MOISTURIZER I use oil #1 its smart. #2 Its biomimetic to the skins lipid layer #3 its healing via the plant oils. Many expensive oils are formulated with multiple oils and plants that can be more bang for your buck. If you are on a budget use jojoba oil, its closest to your skin cell structure. #4 It layers well #5 you can massage it in+++ and get all the benefits from massage. ALSO if you have acne you can still use oil…….. just choose your cleanser to have an acid that breaks down skin cells like salicylic,…. and layer with products that clean and support your skin… like maybe choose Marie VeroniqueTreatment Serum before your Vitamin C….in your layering process and use only a few drops of oil and apply by pressing it into skin. be gentle, and ice any big guys. Then your SPF.

Remember your skin is having a relationship with your internal environment and your external environment.

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Your skin is linked to stress and the HPA axis. If stressed, the Master gland will act accordingly. Ovary conditions like heavy painful periods are out of my scope of practice. It’s about balance. I recommend you see a Naturopath, or Acupuncturist ( for all organ + chemical balance ) I love the adaptogen tincture Rhodiola for hormone balance and Geranium essential oil ( aroma) again be careful with oils.

I hope this sheds some light on how the whole body and its intricate cells and systems are linked somehow to healthy skin. Its a lot of information, but all good to know. I hope you ll are staying healthy and forging your paths with wisdom and love.

XX Christy