Magical Times in Lake Tahoe!
Well folks I did it. I quit my day job and am working full speed ahead at Aloeswood Beauty! This pic sums up how I feel about it. My friend dared me to run past these two hotties and jump in ... and so i did it and she captured it. ( thanks Chapri) The weekend in Tahoe was the beginning of my new slowed down life. Its not that I want to rest all day, nope. I want to be HEALTHY and what that means to me is sweat in the am, do yoga, breathe, make my own meals, journal... THEN WORK.... thats it for now... I also want to travel a bit more and be in nature a lot more. I am in awe that I did it, and honestly I have felt really really calm about it ... but today Im a tiny bit nervous...Its day 4 . In my gut I know its the right thing to do... so I just want to TRUST THE UNIVERSE. So thats what I'm cooking to do. Once I get a little more confident teaching yoga Im gonna have some amazing yoga classes up and running at the MAcarthur Annex near Macarthur BART and i want to teach small educational classes about the bodies systems and how they work, and how to play nice with them. I think thats it for now. Im going to go craft up some quiches. Stay wild, dream, and love yourself,